When the same post-processor is executed independently by different users on a LAN, the post can be configured to display the user name along with the other startup information included at the beginning of the NC program.

To do so, the following lines can be inserted in the Machine Startup Macro of the post:

    $$ Startup Info




    TPRINT/’DATE : !(A)’,$DATE(1:11)


    TPRINT/’TIME : !(A)’,$DATE(13:17)



The programmer’s name is extracted from the username Windows variable. This variable is unique to each user and could identify the individual responsible for generating a particular NC program.

The following example illustrates the output generated by the macro above with a Siemens 840D post-processor:





    ;DATE : 17-JAN-2014


    ;TIME : 08:30



Benefit to User
Automatically include the programmer name in NC programs generated by multiple users of a post.

For more information or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Phil at TechTipTuesday@icam.com

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